Parallels for mac vpn drive mappings windows
Parallels for mac vpn drive mappings windows

parallels for mac vpn drive mappings windows
  1. #Parallels for mac vpn drive mappings windows how to
  2. #Parallels for mac vpn drive mappings windows code
  3. #Parallels for mac vpn drive mappings windows free

However, rather than plugging directly into your computer, it plugs into your wireless router.

#Parallels for mac vpn drive mappings windows free

But the principle is the same: You plug these drives into your computer so that you can move files back and forth from your computer to the drive, either to back up data or to free up space on your computer.Ī network drive is fundamentally the same as these drives – it has a fixed amount of storage and is used to store files. You can purchase larger storage devices in the form of hard drives or SSDs, which can hold several hundred gigabytes or even a few terabytes. You can move files from your computer to this flashdrive, making it so that you can only access them when the flashdrive is plugged into the computer. You plug them into your computer and suddenly you have an additional 64GB at your disposal. These little USB drives hold a fixed amount of storage, say 64GB. You can compare network drives to the more familiar flashdrive. If you’re a computer newbie, we should cover the basics first: What is a network drive? What are SAN and NAS? And what can they do for you?Ī network drive is any type of storage connected to an internet router. Home users can utilize the same technologies, but would have less use or budget for SANs and are more likely to use NAS or cloud storage. For businesses, network storage comes in the form of server storage, SANs (Storage Area Network), NAS (Network Attached Storage), and cloud services (iCloud, Google Drive, etc.).

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  • You should see a scheduled Task named IntuneDriveMapping and the triggers should look like the below. Remember it can take up to 8 hours for this to appear. Once you have deployed the script to the selected group, you can sync Intune policies through Company Portal.
  • Assign to the desired user group and Next.
  • Start-ScheduledTask -TaskName $schtaskName $null=Register-ScheduledTask -TaskName $schtaskName -Trigger $trigger,$trigger2,$trigger3 -Action $action -Principal $principal -Settings $settings -Description $schtaskDescription -Force $settings= New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet -AllowStartIfOnBatteries -DontStopIfGoingOnBatteries $action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute $wscriptPath -Argument "`"$dummyScriptPath`" `"$scriptPath`"" #call the vbscript helper and pass the PosH script as argument $principal= New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal -GroupId "S-1-5-32-545" -Id "Author" $trigger3.Subscription = and EventID=4004]]' $trigger3 = $class | New-CimInstance -ClientOnly $trigger2.Subscription = and EventID=10002]]' $trigger2 = $class | New-CimInstance -ClientOnly $class = cimclass MSFT_TaskEventTrigger root/Microsoft/Windows/TaskScheduler $trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -AtLogOn
  • Remove everything below that point and add the following.
  • $trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -AtLogOn
  • Edit the powershell script, near the bottom you will see the following line.
  • Follow the onscreen options to add/remove mapped drives as needed.
  • #Parallels for mac vpn drive mappings windows code

    We will then be adding a few lines of code to also have it map on any network changes. We are going to create a script that we deploy via intune, which in turn will create a scheduled task to map the network drives at login. Creating the scriptīefore we get started let me explain how this process works.

    #Parallels for mac vpn drive mappings windows how to

    This guide is part of a video series companion guide on setting up mapped drives on Intune devices – you can watch the video here S02E18 – How to Map Network Drives on Microsoft Intune Devices – (I.T) – YouTube! This is rather simple but I will be adding some useful bits of code for people who do not have an always on VPN solution for all those Work From Home scenarios.

    Parallels for mac vpn drive mappings windows